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Little Wings

What has always stuck out to me is how much Little Wings is a space truly dedicated to participant agency. As a practitioner, I have sometimes felt like in other organisations children are told what to do without any explanation, but here, it was a space where they threw ideas out and were taken seriously” 

Little Wings Facilitator


This popular project, aimed at local children interested in drama, helps them build their confidence and explore their imaginations in an accessible space. Children develop new drama skills throughout the term, culminating in a performance of a brand new work for parents, carers, and Little Angel Theatre staff. 

Drama clubs can be extremely expensive and so Little Wings aims to plug this gap and ensures that local children have opportunities to perform without the financial burden. Little Angel Theatre is committed to making drama accessible to all, regardless of a family’s financial situation. 

Last term, participants explored the ‘City Crawlers’ theme, initially brainstorming the kinds of animals they would find in our local area, and considering how they might move, sound and the sort of things they might get up to. This was finalised at the 2024 Street Party, where they performed the Bug Ball Parade, where they performed a routine and chant, marching down Sebbon Street in front of our local community.

Alongside this performance, the street party also had activity stalls consisting of Jewellery-making, Butterfly puppets, Clothes Swap, Balloon Animals and a Sensory Garden. On top of that we offered free tickets to see The Curious Rat!

“I am so lucky that I get to see and share puppets and drama with young children, especially now that school’s arts funding is dropping so dramatically – Little Angel is really a key provider in a lot of families’ lives.” 

Viv, Community Assistant and Little Wings facilitator


By donating, you’re supporting Little Wings, letting children enjoy a high quality, free drama group every week.

Suggested donations:

  • £5 pays for special costumes for our performers.
  • £20 supports our project management costs, ensuring we can continue to expand our reach.
  • £50 allows two children to attend a session, introducing them to the joys of performing.

🙏 Donate now

If you are able to support us, any donation, large or small, will make a huge difference.

All amounts are welcome. Thank you!