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Masterchef Mo and the Missing Cake

Masterchef Mo & the Missing Cake

On your mark, get set, BAKE! World-famous chef Mo has lost the recipe for their most scrumptious cake. Join us on this adventure to help find the missing ingredients. With delightful puppets, magic tricks and games, time is running out to bake it till you make it!

The show is a fun, interactive puppet show designed for 3-6 year-olds.

The show lasts about 30 minutes and is suitable for up to 20 children. We recommend that the show happens as the first element of the party.

For the show we require:

  • A standard trestle table of 120cm wide x 60cm deep x 70cm high.
  • At least 2M by 2M playing space with additional space for the children to sit.
  • 30 minutes to set up before the children arrive.
  • A parent who is willing to be the usher during the show, and to provide additional support if necessary during the extended birthday package activities (party games and craft).
  • An available plug socket or extension lead.


Written and Directed by Oliver Hymans

Words by Totally Telling Tales (@totallytellingtales)

For the special day we offer the following packages:

Just the cake:

With this package, we deliver the show at your child’s party and do all the set-up and clear down of the set and props.

From £420 including VAT

What is included:

  •  A fantastic interactive 30-minute miniature show, created by an award-winning director and design team from Little Angel theatre and performed by a professional puppeteer-actor, filled with plenty of moments to make your child feel truly special on their birthday
  • A sing-a-long to Happy Birthday for your child
  • Opportunity to for the children to meet the puppets after they’ve watched the show and take a photo with Masterchef Mo and the puppets.

All the trimmings (1.5 hours of entertainment):

From £600 including VAT

What is included:

All of the elements of the ‘Just the cake’ package plus:

  • An additional experienced facilitator who will welcome and entertain your children through play and age-appropriate games for 30 minutes while the show is being set up, and run a fun craft activity for 30 minutes after the show to make a puppet that party guests can take home with them.
  • Craft & Crumb Baking Party Bags for up to 20 children (further bags can be requested at an added cost).

“We’re going to need more cake!”:

If your guest list is bigger than 20 children we can provide additional adult support and resources to cater to a larger party size. Please speak to our team about costings and we can increase the provision for your party!

“It was really magical, Sophie had a wonderful time and so did her friends.

I asked one of her friends the following day if she had enjoyed the show and she said “I loved it”. 

To book the show, fill out the form below.

Birthday Parties

Party details

Which birthday package are you interested in?(Required)
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